
App Project [Android/IOS]

We developed the no. 1 app for autogenic training for the mental health start-up MindReach. Guided audio courses enable users to improve their performance in just 10 minutes a day. Interested?

Knöpfle Inc

Logo & Corporate Design

For Knöpfle Inc, a games manufacturer based in Lower Saxony, we designed a suitable, playful logo and helped to align the corporate identity.

Cookies & Cream

Hand-drawn lyric video & cover

The lyric video for the indie-pop summer vibe 'Cookies & Cream' was hand-drawn by us...

simply sweet!

Age Of Dynasty

3D models and designs in a stone age setting

The primitive stone age setting presented us with challenges, as much of the architecture, culture and tools are still not fully understood. We did our best to provide great 3D virtualisations of mud huts, community houses, farming communities, animals, tools and vegetation.


Tunnel Simulation

Animated video on German coal mining

Historical representations are our thing! That's why we realised a camera flight through a virtual tunnel in this project, which was completely designed and animated by us.


Learning to programme pedagogically

For a Swiss educational institution, we optimised a Unity development game that gives pupils an easy and playful introduction to programming.

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*Some projects cannot be publicy named due to individual contracts.